Saturday, November 10, 2007

Planting Seeds - Finding Your Purpose (2)

Finding Your Purpose

I know, I know, you’ve already read Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. And to that I say, bravo, it’s a wonderful book. If you haven’t already, I would even go further to say you should read it once a year, perhaps during the 40 days from Ash Wednesday till Easter, since Warren used the Biblical model of 40 days in putting his chapters together. Above that, first and foremost, however, I would hope you have a schedule for reading the Bible. Every day. You’ve read it cover to cover? Four times, you say? Read it forty more. God reveals Himself and His purpose through His precious, written Word.

So, you’ve read the Bible (a bunch of times), got the complete study guide collection of Warren’s Purpose Driven Life series, prayed a bunch you know your purpose yet?

In case you don’t, let me give you the Reader’s Digest version:

Your purpose is to serve God by telling others about the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Make the Most of Every Opportunity to Witness
Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone. Colossians 4:5-6

There ya go. Now get to work.

Okay, okay, I know there are many different applications to our purpose, but it helps to keep in mind that no matter what we are doing to serve God, ultimately it simply comes down to the message from Jesus: "Tell others about me."

Remember we mentioned the Great Commission earlier? That is, Jesus' last words to the apostles (us) before going up into heaven? Lets look at it right now:

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Isn’t it great to know what your purpose is? I mean, if it’s coming from God, it’s got to be right? Right? It always amazes me how so many people go through life worrying and wondering, "What am I here for?"; "What does it all mean?"; "What is my purpose?" And the answer is sitting right there, always has been. All anyone has to do is read it. Believe it. And then do it. Nike had that right, at least, in its tag line, "Just do it." When it comes to telling others about Jesus, I don’t want to hear any complaints, no excuses, nothing that leads to procrastination. Just do it.

The Right Attitude for Service
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
1 Corinthians 15:58
And the funny thing is, the more you fulfill your purpose, the more you give of yourself and sacrifice for others, the more fulfilled you become. The more complete you feel. As you fulfill your purpose, the more sense of purpose you have. It’s easy to become complacent though, isn’t it? Life’s distractions, attractions, and responsibilities constantly pull at us, taking us away from our purpose. We’ll talk more about this in the last chapter, and about how to overcome those distractions by utilizing God’s tools in your utility belt that you keep on at all times, but for now just go along with Nike and think, "Just do it."

As Yoda said in the Star Wars series, "There is no try, there is only do."

So what are you waiting for? Get off your butt and start. Don’t make me come over there.

more to follow...

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