Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Go the Distance (Planting Seeds - 17)

Maintenance Mode
In the movie, “Field of Dreams,” Kevin Costner keeps hearing a voice in his cornfield. And though he doesn’t really understand it, something in him trusts that voice and he ends up plowing most of his cornfield under to build a baseball diamond, at the risk of losing his home and alienating himself and his family from the neighborhood. Partway through the film, after having listened to the voice though it’s been hard, he hears the voice now say, “Go the distance.”

Ripe for the Pickin’
These were his [Jesus’] instructions to them: “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, and ask him to send out more workers for his fields. Luke 10:2

That is just what you need to do. You might be excited to try and engage the world with your witness using the tools of the pop culture that surround us and that’s all good. You’ll probably hits some snags, maybe get discouraged, maybe embarrassed or frustrated. On the other end, you’ll experience the power of Christ working through you and see how coming at your witness from the side instead of directly head-on actually works, and makes the person you’re talking to comfortable and at ease enough to open up with you over time. You may plant seeds and never see them flower, but flower they do through the power of the Holy Spirit. The point is, no matter what happens, don’t give up, don’t get lazy, don’t get distracted, don’t stop.

Go the distance.

Don’t Get Discouraged
So don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Galatians 6:9

If you stayed with me so far (thank you, first of all) I want to make sure we are crystal clear about something. Obviously, I have a love of film, music, art, literature and other aspects of the culture we live in today. Like most people, I have an appreciation for beauty, for fun, for entertainment and enjoyment. But make no mistake. The goal of planting seeds is NOT to create a justification for spending all your time engaging in a life of leisure and entertainment. There is a time and a place for everything. God expects us to have time to rest, to take enjoyment from the things mankind creates, and to bask in the beauty of the world He created. (“And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.” Then follows the next verse. “And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose in this is that people should fear [respect, stand in awe of] him.” Ecclesiastes 3:13-14) But our purpose, our calling, the first thing we should always be doing is looking for ways to serve our generous and loving Lord by sharing the Good News. Because that is, after all, where we find our true joy.

This is not a blog about putting movies and books and arts and music above God. These are merely tools God has given us to use in our utility belt to witness to the world. We take those metaphors, myths, and messages found in the culture of film, music, art, etc. and direct them towards a new life in Christ from the existing life in the world. I know you get that but sometimes it’s good to put things plainly, in black and white, ink on the page (or bytes on web), you know, so that we’re all on the same page.

Go ahead, you can tell me, “Duh, dude,” if you want.

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