Saturday, December 29, 2007

Unexpected or Reluctant Seed Planters from the Bible (5)

I’m going to stay in the Old Testament for a couple more examples before jumping into the New Testament. There are just so many gems to uncover there. The examples I'm giving are just one small slice of the pie. Let's face it – do a popularity contest between the Old and New Testament and the New wins every time. Sure, you've got the Creation story, and the biggies like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and David but for the most part, the Old Testament (not including Psalms, of course) is tough reading. Growing up as a Christian, I tended to stay in the New Testament. But once I really discovered the Old Testament, and read about all the many different servants of God following steadfast to His will, a new door of understanding opened to me. All the so-called minor roles, like Eliezer, fill up the Old Testament, and what a powerful message God gives us through their story. We can serve God in small ways and big ways, but all ways are important. Don't let the Old Testament go under your radar for Bible study, and don't just stick with the big stories. Dig deeper and find the gems. You'll find a whole treasure full of them once you do.
Never Stop Planting Seeds
Be sure to stay busy and plant a variety of crops, for you never know which will grow—perhaps they all will. Ecclesiates 11:6

Rahab the Prostitute (Joshua 2)
When the Israelites were finally ready to enter the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, they found it already occupied so Joshua sent a couple of spies ahead to scope out the area around Jericho. So they go and end up staying that night at the house of a prostitute named Rahab.

Hey now! Huh?

Okay, don't get any ideas here. Remember that God uses all types of people in His service and only He knows what is in their heart. Society can be quick to judge by appearances or even past deeds but God calls everyone to forgiveness and His door is always open to all who hear His call no matter what their past or how insignificant the world may view them. In this case, perhaps God knew that Rahab was open to Him, maybe even looking to start over and change her ways.
So the rest of story goes that the King of Jericho caught the wind that these spies may be hanging out with Rahab, and at great risk to her life, she covers for these strangers and helps them get away, thereby saving their lives so they can go back later and report to Joshua.

Why would Rahab, both a pagan and Canaanite (yes, and a prostitute) be interested in God? She recognized Him as the true and only God. Her heart was open to listening. Sometimes that is all it takes – be willing to listen (and obey). Rahab may have never done another brave act like that again, but her faith saved her and her family, literally.

Rehab planted one seed that day by her actions and by putting her trust in a God she new little about, except that He is the one and only true God.

Every seed counts.

Jonah – A Whale of a Tale
Here's the story of the reluctant, ornery prophet and it's a story you may know well all ready. How God called Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and tell the people that in forty days their city would be destroyed, but Jonah had other plans in mind. You have to admit, the guy has guts saying no to God because basically, he was prejudiced against the non-Jews. Why did Jonah really turn tail and run? Maybe out of anger about not wanting to share his God with anyone else, or maybe he was a bit afraid. How often have we not heeded God’s will for us because of fear, stubbornness, laziness, or any of a hundred reasons?

So you know the rest of the story - Jonah sails away in the opposite direction of Nineveh, the storm comes, overboard he goes, gets swallowed by a big fish then regurgitated later on shore, where he gives in and does his job. And then, get this, when the people actually listen to him and repent of their sins, Jonah gets mad at God for showing His immense kindness and unfailing love when He doesn't destroy the city. Jonah is all embarrassed that nothing he predicted was going to happen. What a crotchety old dude, huh? Instead, just like He did with the people of Nineveh, God teaches him a gentle lesson about showing kindness to those who are truly repentant.

Those Reluctant Prophets –
Don’t Worry, God says, I Will Always Help You

"O Sovereign Lord," I [Jeremiah] said, "I can't speak for you! I'm too young!" "Don’t say that," the Lord replied, "or you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Jeremiah 1:6-8

Sometimes we all need a good boot in the butt by God to get us going. When we are reluctant seed planters - because of fear, distractions, or any other excuse - God moves to move us. I welcome those times. I welcome God acting directly in my life - hopefully it's not because I'm not doing His will like Jonah in the beginning. I know those times are going to happen though since I'm a sinner and I'm glad God cares about me enough to send those gentle motivators every now and then.

Has God sent you a whale of your own to turn you around?

How did you respond?

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